Lots of Socks Inspiration

Looking for some Lots of Socks inspiration? Here are a few ideas we have seen over the past few years…..

  • Sock snake – see how long a chain you can make with your odd socks!
  • Guess whose socks competition – a bit of fun around the office – get some snaps of people’s wacky socks and ask people to guess who they belong to!
  • Sock photo competition – the most creative photo of your wacky odd socks wins!

Whatever you choose to do remember to send us your pictures at fundraising@dsscotland.org.uk and tag us in your social media posts! 

Sign up to take part here.

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Read our latest updates from the campaign.

Celebrating Grace's Many Talents

Grace is one of the stars of our LDAN Makaton video. Here she is to tell us all about her many talents and hobbies.

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Celebrating 'Dance with Siobhan Marshall'

We love hearing about all the groups that our members are involved in across Scotland, we recently heard about a new dance group for young adults with additional needs run by Siobhan Marshall in Perth which several of our members are part of. Siohban tells us; “I first met this amazing group 5 years ago […]

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Celebrating Laura Logan and the Scottish Swim Team at World Down's Syndrome Swimming Championships

A massive WDSD birthday shout out to Laura Logan who turns 30 today! Laura is one of the Scottish Swim team at the World Down's Syndrome Swimming Championships in Turkey. There are four swimmers from Scotland who travelled out to Turkey along with their coaches and support team for the World Down's Syndrome Swimming Championships […]

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